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Interkulturelles Training Deutschland

Doing Business and Working with Germans

Successful communication and profitable business relationships with Germans

Being successful in business means learning how your German partners tick. Globalized business people are aware of cultural differences, but are often not aware of how cultural upbringing impacts communication, expectations, and working styles. As a foreign employee or manager doing business with Germans or working in Germany, you may have come across some unexpected difficulties. This intercultural training will provide you with the background to understand where problems arise from within a multi-cultural context. It will help you to discover new strategies and solutions to deal successfully with these differences.

  • Interactive introduction

  • Communicating across cultures

  • Building relationships with Germans

  • German communication styles

  • Team work in Germany

  • German management styles

  • Wrap of the day

  • The pitfalls of using another language

  • Business meetings the German way

  • Presentation of information

  • Conflict management

  • Building cultural synergy

  • Debriefing, checklist and feedback

Aktuell nur als firmeninternes Seminar buchbar.

Die Seminardetails, Referentenprofile, Teilnehmerkreis und Ihre Konditionen finden Sie in der aktuellen Seminarbroschüre. Klicken Sie hierzu einfach auf den nachfolgenden pdf-Link.
Produktcode: IKDE